Directions/Contact Information
The center was located at 119 London St., East Boston.
To get there by train, take the Blue line to Maverick Station (one stop before the Airport), and begin walking on Meridian St. which begins there. Walk three blocks. On the first block there will be a police station and post office, on the second a clinic/hospital, and on the third, at the corner of London and Meridian, you will find the school on your right.
To get there by car, go through Callahan Tunnel from the North End of Boston towards the Airport. Once you exit the tunnel, take your first right at the Local East Boston Exit. Take a right onto Paris St., your first right. With the police station on your left, take another right onto Meridian St.. Finally, the school will be at the second intersection on the right at the corner of London and Meridian so park your car. You will find plenty of off-street parking.